SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus Migration

Decided to switch eCommerce platforms from SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus?

Migrating from SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus demands a meticulous approach to ensure a flawless transition of all your products, categories, customer data, integrations, custom functionalities, and apps. This complex process involves transferring extensive product catalogs, detailed customer information, and integrating existing systems with the new platform.

SAP Hybris

Extensive customization options
Scalable architecture for large-scale operations
Advanced product management capabilities
Comprehensive customer experience management
Integrated order management system
Robust marketing tools

High operational costs
Complex integrations with other systems
Customization can hinder scalability
Requires substantial IT resources
Slow adaptability to market changes
On-premises limitations compared to cloud solutions

Shopify Plus

International payment methods
Blog CMS capabilities
Drag-and-drop store builder
0% transaction fees
1st party POS
Headless commerce

Multi language support (Only English)
Limited product variant
No product category levels
CMS limitations
Payment gateway lock-in
Limited apps according to other plugin ecosystems

Supported Data

Migrate all of your product images, descriptions, product attributes, SKUs products and variants such as weight, pricing, along with the manufacturer’s information onto Shopify Plus. Other sales-related information such as the quantity and price can all be migrated from SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus
Two important SEO attributes that are critical to any eCommerce website are the meta-title and description. Equally as important are the categories description and category images. These are all inclusive within the migration process.
You’ll also be able to migrate invoices and with it, customer contact information gaining valuable data to analyze demographics to target the right pool of potential buyers. Along with the customers’ name, email address, telephone number, and company name, you’ll be able to acquire the order date, order status, product price, quantity ordered, tax price, shipping price, and order comments. Retain all of your current and past promotions. Any information that’s related to gift cards, coupon codes, Coupon from Date or Coupon to Date, Uses Per Coupon, Uses Per Customer along with the type of discount, the discount amount, and the amount spent can all be migrated to Shopify Plus.
All of the information that’s related to products reviews will be migrated over to the Shopify Plus platform. Fields such as Created Date, Rate, User name, Comment, Product, and Title are all part of the migration process.
Migrate your 301 redirects during the eCommerce migration to avoid loss of or decrease in organic traffic. Re-organize your inventory to a proper parent/child listing by bulk editing your category names and descriptions without HTML tags. You’ll also be able to add custom functionalities that will improve shoppers’ buying experience. Do all of this and safeguard your product images URLs. For blog posts, migrate the category descriptions along with all of the images and product descriptions related to each post.

What kind of data can be migrated from SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus?

Product images and descriptions, product attributes, product variants, SKUS
Categories and category images
Customers’ contact information
Invoices, orders, coupon codes, and other sales-related information

Additional Options

Re-organize your inventory to a proper parent/child listing
Add custom functionalities that improve shoppers’ buying experience
Safeguard your product images URLs
Bulk edit your category names and descriptions without HTML tags
301 redirect during eCommerce migration to avoid loss of or decrease in organic traffic

How It Works

Send Mass Email
Request a Quote from Optimum7
Get Phone Calls
Provide All Shopping Cart Details
Bullet List
Choose All the Data You Want to Transfer
Replace Filled
Optimum7 will Migrate the Data
New Online Store
Review & Enjoy Your New Store!
eCommerce and Shopify Plus

Switching platforms or websites might be potentially risky for your search engine rankings. Most marketing experts are very cautious while working on eCommerce migration projects.

With thousands of product pages on your Shopify Plus site, these migrations must be executed carefully. If the migration is done incorrectly, it can result in multiple 404 error pages. These 404 pages could cause you to lose your rankings and authority within days and destroy years of hard work.

Our specialists have compiled a list of critical data you’ll need to migrate from the SAP Hybris platform to Shopify Plus. With the guidance of our advanced execution, you can safely migrate your store to a new and improved platform while retaining all the SEO ranking authority you’ve built up over the years. We know all the technical details of Shopify Plus server settings to implement 301 redirects the correct way. (Htaccess, apache, admin settings etc.)

Optimum7 staff is very well versed in Shopify Plus PPC (Paid Search), Shopify Plus SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Amazon, Ebay, Jet, Walmart, Shopping Comparison Engines, Inventory Management Systems, CRMs and all levels of integration.

We have already migrated more than 2,000 eCommerce stores!


We can help you determine which functionality is best for Shopify, Bigcommerce, Volusion, VTEX, Magento, 3d Cart, Wordpress / WooCommerce, Opencart, Episerver, Oracle ATG and any Custom Cart.

Contact us today with any additional questions you may have about our functionalities.

Other Migrations

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Salesforce Commerce Cloud to BigCommerce Migration

3Dcart / Shift4shop to BigCommerce Migration

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Magento to BigCommerce Migration

Volusion to WooCommerce Migration

Magento to Shopify Migration

BigCommerce to Shopify Migration

Miva to Opencart Migration

Miva to Oracle ATG Migration

Miva to Magento Migration

Miva to VTEX Migration

Miva to Volusion Migration

Miva to Shopify Migration

VTEX to Shopify Plus Migration

VTEX to Bigcommerce Migration

VTEX to Magento Migration

3dcart to Oracle ATG Migration

3dcart to Volusion Migration

3DCart to Shopify Migration

Magento to Volusion Migration

Wix to VTEX Migration

Wix to Volusion Migration

Wix to Shopify Migration

Wix to BigCommerce Migration

Volusion to Magento Migration

WooCommerce to VTEX Migration

X-Cart to Volusion Migration

Episerver to BigCommerce Migration

OpenCart to Volusion Migration

OpenCart to VTEX Migration

Volusion to Oracle Migration

Magento to VTEX Migration

Shopify to Volusion Migration

Shopify to Magento Migration

Volusion to VTEX Migration

Magento Enterprise to VTEX Migration

Magento Enterprise to Shopify Migration

Shopify to VTEX Migration

BigCommerce to Magento Migration

OpenCart to Shopify Migration

WooCommerce to OpenCart Migration

WooCommerce to Shopify Migration

OpenCart to Oracle ATG Migration

WooCommerce to Oracle Migration

Magento to Oracle ATG Migration

WooCommerce to Magento Migration

WooCommerce to Volusion Migration

X-Cart to Oracle Migration

Shopify to Oracle ATG Migration

Volusion to OpenCart Migration

Volusion to Shopify Migration

Technological Overhaul and Its Operational Impacts

The migration from an on-premises system like SAP Hybris to a cloud-based platform such as Shopify Plus, when executed properly, can be a seamless transition that enhances your business operations without major disruptions. This transition involves a comprehensive technological overhaul, which, with meticulous planning and execution, ensures that every aspect of the operation is upgraded and optimized for the cloud environment.

System Architecture Redesign: Transitioning to a cloud-based model involves moving from a localized infrastructure to a multi-tenant environment, where resources are shared across multiple users. This shift not only optimizes hardware utilization but also enhances scalability and flexibility. By carefully planning the architecture redesign, businesses can ensure that their new system is both efficient and capable of scaling with their growth.

Security and Compliance Adjustments: Moving to Shopify Plus means adopting a platform that is compliant with top industry standards for security and data protection, including GDPR and PCI DSS. The migration process includes thorough assessments to align your data security protocols with the cloud environment, enhancing your overall security posture without compromising on compliance.

Operational Downtime Management: With well-planned migrations, operational downtime can be almost negligible. Typically, any necessary downtime is restricted to several hours during off-peak times to ensure minimal impact on business operations. This efficiency is achieved through rigorous pre-migration testing and precise execution, allowing businesses to transition smoothly without significant disruption.

Data Migration: This critical step involves transferring existing data to Shopify Plus. By using advanced data migration tools and services, businesses can ensure that their data is not only transferred accurately but also optimized for performance in the new environment.

System Integration: Re-establishing integrations with existing CRM, ERP, or other business systems is streamlined through Shopify’s robust API and wide range of integration options. This ensures that all parts of your business communicate effectively, maintaining operational coherence.

Performance Optimization: To address any potential performance issues, extensive pre-launch testing is conducted. This includes load testing and real-time monitoring to ensure that the Shopify Plus setup not only matches but often exceeds the performance levels previously achieved with SAP Hybris.


Data Optimization Needs

The migration of data from SAP Hybris to Shopify Plus is a critical component of the transition process. Proper handling and optimization of data are essential to maintain operational continuity and enhance the performance of the new system. Here’s how data-related challenges are addressed:

Data Cleaning and Preparation

Before migrating data, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough audit of the existing data sets. This step helps identify any inaccuracies, redundancies, or obsolete information that should not be transferred to the new system. Cleaning data prior to migration reduces the risk of complications and enhances the efficiency of the new platform.

  • Audit: Review and catalog all data elements in the existing system, identifying what will be moved, modified, or discarded.
  • Cleanse: Remove duplicate entries, correct errors, and update outdated information to ensure that only relevant and accurate data is migrated.

Data Mapping and Transformation

Data structures in SAP Hybris might not directly correspond to those in Shopify Plus, necessitating careful mapping and transformation. This process ensures that data fits into the new system’s architecture without loss of functionality or integrity.

  • Mapping: Establish relationships between old data structures and new ones, creating a clear blueprint for data transformation.
  • Transformation: Modify data formats and structures to align with Shopify Plus requirements, using automated tools to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Data Integrity and Security

Ensuring the security and integrity of data during its transfer is paramount. Adequate measures must be in place to protect data from unauthorized access or data breaches during the migration process.

  • Encryption: Use strong encryption methods while data is in transit to protect it from security threats.
  • Access Controls: Implement strict access controls and authentication measures to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data during and after the migration.

Performance Optimization

Once data is migrated, its impact on the performance of Shopify Plus needs to be assessed and optimized. This involves analyzing data usage and load patterns and making adjustments to ensure that the system operates efficiently.

  • Indexing: Properly index data to improve query performance and speed up access times.
  • Caching Strategies: Implement caching mechanisms to enhance the responsiveness of the new system, especially for frequently accessed data.

Testing and Validation

After data migration, comprehensive testing and validation are crucial to ensure that all data has been accurately transferred and is functioning as expected within the new system.

  • Functional Testing: Verify that all transactions and data-driven processes operate correctly in Shopify Plus.
  • Data Verification: Conduct thorough checks to ensure all data is accurate and complete post-migration.

Reimplementation of Functionalities and Integrations

Transitioning from SAP Hybris On-Prem to Shopify Plus involves not just moving data but also rethinking and reengineering the business’s functionalities and integrations. Shopify Plus offers a dynamic and flexible environment that can be customized to meet specific business needs through its extensive app ecosystem and API capabilities.

Custom Functionality Through Apps

Shopify Plus supports a wide range of business needs through its comprehensive app marketplace, which includes thousands of apps designed to extend and enhance the platform’s capabilities. These apps cover everything from advanced analytics and marketing automation to inventory management and customer service, enabling businesses to tailor the platform to their unique requirements.

  • Enhanced Customization: Unlike the rigid, often complex customizations required in SAP Hybris, Shopify Plus apps provide plug-and-play solutions that are easier to integrate and update.
  • Specialized Solutions: Whether you need advanced reporting features, AI-driven customer insights, or seamless multi-channel marketing, there’s likely an app in the Shopify ecosystem that meets these needs without the need for extensive custom coding.

This wealth of customizable solutions through Shopify Plus apps not only simplifies the integration process but also paves the way for implementing cutting-edge technologies designed to enhance the shopping experience. One such area where Shopify Plus excels is in its innovative search and filtering tools.

AI-Powered Search and Filter Solutions

One of the standout features for Shopify Plus is its AI-powered search and filter capabilities. This technology goes beyond basic keyword matching by using machine learning to understand user intent, making product discovery intuitive and efficient. Features include:

  • Smart Search Suggestions: The system predicts what customers are looking for, offering relevant suggestions as they type.
  • Dynamic Filtering: Customers can filter products based on various criteria such as size, color, and price, which adjusts dynamically based on the search context and previous interactions.
  • Visual Search Capabilities: Shoppers can upload images to find similar products, enhancing the user experience and increasing engagement.

Request a Quote

For businesses that deal with custom orders, bulk purchases, or B2B sales, the “Request a Quote” functionality is essential. Shopify Plus allows for the integration of sophisticated quote management systems that can handle complex pricing structures and negotiations. This functionality supports:

  • Custom Pricing Negotiations: Tailor pricing dynamically based on customer interactions and order history.
  • Streamlined Quote Management: Automate the quote approval process to reduce manual workload and speed up response times.

Custom Checkout Solutions for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Shopify Plus excels in providing customizable checkout experiences aimed at maximizing conversion rates. These solutions are designed to reduce cart abandonment and enhance the checkout process through:

  • Optimized Checkout Flow: Simplify the steps required to complete a purchase, minimizing friction and potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • A/B Testing Capabilities: Test different checkout scenarios to determine the most effective configurations and promotions.
  • Personalized Checkout Experiences: Offer personalized upsells, cross-sells, and promotional offers based on the customer’s purchase history and browsing behavior.

Integration Capabilities

Shopify Plus’s API is robust and user-friendly, allowing for seamless integrations with existing systems such as ERPs, CRMs, PIMs, and more. This flexibility is vital for businesses looking to maintain a cohesive technology ecosystem.

  • API-driven Integrations: The platform’s APIs support custom integrations that can communicate efficiently with third-party services, ensuring that all parts of the business ecosystem work in harmony.
  • Real-time Data Sync: With Shopify Plus, businesses can achieve real-time data synchronization across platforms, which is crucial for maintaining accurate inventory levels, pricing, and customer data.

Transferring Existing Customizations

For functionalities that were highly customized in SAP Hybris, transitioning to Shopify Plus may require developing bespoke solutions using Shopify’s scripting and custom app capabilities.

  • Shopify Scripts: These allow for customizations right at the checkout process, enabling businesses to offer dynamic pricing, discounts, and offers without impacting performance.
  • Private Apps: For unique needs not covered by public apps, businesses can develop private apps with Shopify that cater specifically to their workflows and data handling requirements.

Why migrate with Optimum7?

Optimum7 provides a fully automated migration that doesn’t require any programming skills on your part. Through our services, you’re guaranteed to achieve an effortless and successful switch, free from bothersome bugs and glitches. You’ll have a newly established store that will provide the transformation you’re looking for with everything in tact.




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A digital marketing strategy is the path to profitability. Optimum7 can help you set the right goals, offer and implement creative and technical strategies, and use data and analytics to review and improve your business’s performance.