BC User Guide - Bulk Category Import & Edit

How to Bulk Import Categories 

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Bulk Import” tab.
    Please Note: Before uploading a file, be sure to fill in the data in the sample data file (CSV)
  2. On the following page,  drag & drop the file or click on the “Browse” tab.
  3. Choose your file from your computer
  4. Click on the “Open” button.

Updating the CSV File, Descriptions and Limits:

  • bc_category_id (integer)
    Unique ID of the Category. Increments sequentially.
  • bc_parent_id (integer)
    The unique numeric ID of the category’s parent. This field controls where the category sits in the tree of categories that organize the catalog. Required in a POST if creating a child category.
    • To create a child category, set the parent_id to the parent category.
    • To create a top level category, set the parent_id to 0.
    • Limits:
      • 16,000 categories per store.
      • 1,000 categories per product.
      • Maximum length of 50 characters for Category Names.
      • Maximum length of 65,642 characters for Category Descriptions.
      • Category depth limit of 8 levels.

  • temp_id(integer)
    If a new category is to be created, a number must be written here temporarily.
    Both “bc_category_id” and “temp_id” cannot be entered on the same line. If they are, the system ignores the action and does not process that data.

  • temp_parent_id(integer)
    For an existing or newly created category, the temp_id of the main category to be created is written here. Both “bc_parent_id” and “temp_parent_id” should not be written on the same line. If they are, the system ignores this action. (However, 0 is not ignored).

  • name (string) (required)
    The name displayed for the category. Name is unique with respect to the category’s siblings. Required in a POST.

  • description (string) (optional)
    The product description, which can include HTML formatting.

  • views (integer) (optional)
    Number of views the category has on the storefront.

  • sort_order  (integer) (optional)
    The priority that this category will be given when included in the menu and category pages. The lower the number, the closer to the top of the results the category will be.

  • page_title  (string) (optional)
    Custom title for the category page. If not defined, the category name will be used as the meta title.
    Max length: 255 characters

  • search_keywords (string)  (optional)
    A comma-separated list of keywords that can be used to locate the category when searching the store.
    Max length: 255 characters

  • meta_keywords array[string] (optional)
    Custom meta keywords for the category page. If not defined, the store’s default keywords will be used. Please make sure to use a comma for each meta keyword.

  • meta_description (string)  (optional)
    Custom meta description for the category page. If not defined, the store’s default meta description will be used.
    Max length: 65,535 characters

  • Is_visible (boolean) (optional)
    Flag to determine whether the product should be displayed to customers browsing the store. 
    • If true, the category will be displayed. 
    • If false, the category will be hidden from view. 
    • If you leave this field empty, the default  value  will be true.

  • default_product_sort (string)  (optional)
    Determines how the products are sorted on category page load.

  • image_url (string)  (optional)
    In this field, add an image URL that is publicly accessible. 

  • custom_url (optional)
    The custom URL for the category on the storefront.

How to Edit a Category

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Categories” tab.
  2. Find the category from the list (or search by category ID, parent ID, name, page title or custom URL  from the search bar). 
    1. Select the category by clicking on the row. 
    2. Click on the “Edit” button.
      1. In the following window, update the fields that you would like to change. 
      2. Click on the “Update” button.
    3. Alternatively, you can: 
      1. From the list, double-click on the category field you want to change. 
      2. Update the category.
      3. Click on the “Save” button.

How to Edit Categories in Bulk

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Export” tab. Wait for a very short time until your screen is updated and the export file appears.
  2. When the file appears, click on it to download it.
  3. Open the file in Excel or Google sheets (or any suitable tool). 
  4. Edit the fields you would like to update.
  5. Import the file from the app.
    Check How to Bulk Import Categories.

How to Delete a Category

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Categories” tab.
  2. Select the category by clicking on the row.
  3. Click on the “Delete” button.
  4. On the confirmation pop up window, click on the “Delete” button again..

What is Rollback? 

With the Rollback function, you can undo your last imported file

  • Any new categories created using Bulk Import will be deleted.
  • If there are any updated categories in this file, they are reverted to their previous values in BigCommerce.

How to Rollback Final Import

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Rollback” tab.
  2. On the following page you will see the final imported categories. 
  3. Click on the “Rollback” button.
  4. In the pop-up window, click on the “Ok” button to confirm.

How to Export Categories (in CSV format)

  1. From the side navigation bar, click on the “Export” tab.
  2. Click on the “Create a new Export” button. 
  3. You will be notified by email when the export is ready for download. 
  4. When the export file is displayed on this page, you can click to download it.
    Please note: the final exported file will be available in the app for 3 days only.

Where Can I See the Categories?
You can see the Categories by clicking on the “Categories” tab in the side navigation bar.

On the following page you can:

  • Search by category ID, parent ID, name, page title or custom URL  from the search bar. 
  • And manage the list display by arranging columns by clicking on the “Column Visibility” button.

Where Can I See Failed Categories That Cannot Be Imported?
You can see the Failed Categories by clicking on the “Fails” tab in the side navigation bar.